Banos G.
(Autor externo)

Obras con ISBN:0
Documentos en revistas:3
Colaboraciones en Tesis:0
Obras con ISBN:No hay obras de este autor.
Documentos en revistas:
1.- Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms variation associated with important economic and computed tomography measured traits in Texel sheep (2018)
2.- Activities of antioxidant enzymes in two stages of pathology development in sucrose-fed rats (2005)
3.- Effect of N-(3-hydroxy-1,3,5,(10)estratrien-17ß-YL)-3-hydroxypropyl-amine (prolame) and estradiol-17ß on platelet aggregation (1991)
Colaboraciones en Tesis:No hay tesis de este autor.
Patentes:No hay patentes de este autor.